
Of course you have to change the font if you start talking about yourself and want to seem serious about it. Do you feel like you are reading a biography yet? Good. Then let's get on with this:

Grew up in europe. Went to school. Played video games and watched tv shows / movies. Got some medical degree. Did I mention that I watch movies?

I like to make videos about stuff I care about, that moves me or has meaning to me in some other way. By making these videos I hope to transfer some of these emotions to you, the viewer, and evoke some feeling, that you are glad you felt. This sounds horrible, I know. If you watch one of my videos (especially the one about Russell Crowe) you might kinda get what I'm talking about. If not, that's fine. But I would still appreciate the feedback. Good or bad. Thanks for reading this text. That's as bad as it gets on this website. You are very brave. Thanks for beeing in the woods and listening to the falling trees.

Cheers, Max

"Marvel Studios' "Infinity Saga" spanned ten years and 23 movies and yet, here we are with the entire condensed into a supercut that lasts 93 seconds. Believe it or not, it works incredibly well. The supercut comes to you courtesy of YouTuber MaxMcEvan and features snippets of most Marvel Studios films to date, with the exception of Spider-Man: Far From Home. Set to Adrián Berenguer's "Continent," the supercut focuses mainly on quick snapshots of the original six Avengers before culminating in a healthy serving of Avengers: Endgame footage. To be honest, you likely won't spend 90 seconds on anything better tonight so check it out above."
By Adam Barnhardt - August 17, 2019
Check out the whole article