
Website for CS50's final project

Hi I'm Max. Actually my middle name is Max, so what.

Welcome to my website. This is, as of now, just a test page for the final project of the CS50 (computer science 50) class, that I'm taking at HarvardX. It's a introductory course about computer science, which is taken by thousands of people (about 800 students on campus and the rest online from all over the world.

The aim of this website is to test and implement mostly design functions in HTML, CSS and JavaScript to create a visually compelling website. As I edit videos in my free time as a hobby for my YouTube channel, I thought I could make this a platform for people to see just a bit more of my persona besides the YouTube channel page.

Since I'm trying out a lot of things, JS-libraries etc, it takes quite a while for me to learn what is possible to achieve on this website in a realistic timeframe. If you have any suggestions for this website, may it be from the content, the coding or the aesthetics, please don't hesitate to contact me via the contact form or in YouTube comments. Hopefully this will soon turn out in a real website, ready for the public.

Until then, stay tuned.


    If you click on the round picture on the middle of the page, then the background will disappear.
    If you click on the signature in the middle of the page, it will get unwritten.
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